Serious financial problems are likely accompanied by feelings of serious stress. With creditors calling and bills left unpaid it can feel overwhelming. Though bankruptcy is an option in these types of circumstances, the burden of filing can seem like too much. However, with the assistance of a skilled bankruptcy attorney by your side, bankruptcy can be a smooth process that can lead to a better financial future.
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, having an attorney to help you through the process can be very beneficial.
Why Hire A Bankruptcy Lawyer Versus Doing It Yourself?
Three of the most important reasons why you should consider hiring an experienced attorney for your Atlanta Bankruptcy are:
- So You Can Avoid Making Mistakes
Bankruptcy can certainly bring wanted financial relief, but the process can still be complex. Not only do you need to determine which type of bankruptcy is best for your situation, but you also need to make sure you follow the rules precisely. This will include listing all your debts, itemizing property, and then understanding bankruptcy rules to determine how the bankruptcy will impact your finances. Because even minor mistakes can lead to your bankruptcy getting dismissed, which would take away the protections of bankruptcy like the automatic stay, it is important to have an attorney who understands the ins and outs of bankruptcy law to help. An attorney can advise you on the best type of bankruptcy for your situation and make sure your bankruptcy is completed and filed correctly.
- So You Can Get the Most Out of Your Bankruptcy
As previously mentioned, bankruptcy law can be complicated. A long list of rules dictates how the bankruptcy must be filed. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, rules dictate which property is exempt from the bankruptcy, which assets will be taken to repay creditors, and which debts will be discharged. You obviously want to make sure that you get the most out of your bankruptcy both in regard to discharged debts and available exemptions. You don’t want to miss out on available exemptions that can help you keep more of your property. A skilled attorney can help make sure your bankruptcy protects as much of your property as possible and puts you in the best financial position possible as you move forward with your life.
- So You Can Avoid the Stress
Lastly, having an experienced bankruptcy can help you avoid unnecessary stress. Already dealing with debt and creditors can take its toll—you don’t want to add to your burdens by trying to figure out all the specifics of bankruptcy. Having an attorney who has done bankruptcies for years can help ease your burden. The excellent bankruptcy attorneys at The Ballard Law Group understand the details of bankruptcy and are ready to help ease your stress and do what is best for your specific situation.
Get Help with Your Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can certainly do many great things for your financial future and set you on a course to recover from what may now seem like crippling debt. However, because the process can be complicated, make sure to reach out to a skilled bankruptcy attorney at The Ballard Law Group who can help make the process as painless as possible. Our attorneys are ready to answer your questions and help you understand exactly how to proceed.
To get more information on whether bankruptcy is the solution to your financial situation, call (404) 800-9939 to schedule a free initial consultation with The Ballard Law Group at either our Lawrenceville or Atlanta locations.